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Пост N: 559
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 02.01.09 11:35. Заголовок: дочерняя колония Wiesenmüller (Визенмиллер)

Основали дочернюю колонию Wiesenmueller следующие фамилии (написание отдельных фамилий требует уточнения) из материнских колоний.

Balzer - aus Stephan
Brieckmann - aus Tscherbakowka
Buxbaum - aus Franzosen
Buxmann - aus Mueller
Damher - aus Franzosen
Dorsch - aus Schwab
Drosch(Drot) - aus Grimm
Ebel - aus Stephan
Ebel - aus Mueller
Eckel - aus Mueller
Eichmann - aus Schwab
Ernst - aus Stephan
Friezler - aus Stephan
Geier - aus Galka
Geld - aus Franzosen
Georg - aus Mueller
Ginnerhardt - aus Stephan
Greb - aus Mueller
Grenz - aus Franzosen
Haas - aus Stephan
Helfenbein - aus Stephan
Hoffmann - aus Mueller
Keil - aus Mueller
Kerps - aus Galka
Koch - aus Mueller
Koch - aus Galka
Kraft - aus Grimm
Leinschmidt - aus Mueller
Lichtenwald - aus Franzosen
Lochmann - aus Stephan
Lohmann - aus Mueller
Manweiler - aus Franzosen
Maus - aus Grimm
Meier - aus Schwab
Meier - aus Franzosen
Mihl - aus Franzosen
Mohr - aus Stephan
Muller - aus Stephan
Niedens - aus Mueller
Nuss - aus Franzosen
Nuss - aus Mueller
Reiswig - aus Stephan
Ruppel - aus Stephan
Schaefer - aus Grimm
Schaefer - aus Mueller
Schaefer - aus Stephan
Scheck - aus Franzosen
Schmunck - aus Schwab
Schneider - aus Franzosen
Schneider - aus Holstein
Schneider - aus Mueller
Schwan - aus Franzosen
Schwarzkopf - aus Franzosen
Spengler - aus Mueller
Spilmann - aus Stephan
Stabel - aus Stephan
Stuckert - aus Schwab
Stuertz - aus Stephan
Treise - aus Stephan
Usinger - aus Mueller
Vogel - aus Franzosen
Walter - aus Stephan
Weber - aus Grimm
Weinbender - aus Mueller
Wiesner - aus Schwab
Winter - aus Mueller
Zimmermann - aus Grimm

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Пост N: 108
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 02.01.09 11:44. Заголовок: Рудольф пишет: Осно..

Рудольф пишет:

Основали дочернюю колонию Wiesenmueller следующие фамилии (написание отдельных фамилий требует уточнения) из материнских колоний.

Игорь Рудольфович, они все в один год перешли? Если да, то в какой?

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Профессиональный историк

Пост N: 561
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 02.01.09 12:04. Заголовок: Например, колония Ви..

Например, колония Визенмиллер была основана в 1860 г. Переселялись в течение нескольких лет, но документы на переселение, включая состав семьи, выдавали по десятой ревизии 1857-1858 гг.

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Пост N: 251
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 02.01.09 13:06. Заголовок: Folgende Information..

Folgende Information über einen Zweig der Geier-Familie habe ich im Internet gefunden:

Extract from the revision list of re-settlers from the colony of Ust-Kulalinka [Galka], Kamyshin District, Saratov Province to the colonies of Torgun County, Novouzensky District, Samara Province. Compiled on 23 Jan 1858.

Family 32 / 33  GEIER [Heyer], Baltasar 26 - 33; sons: Ludwig 1 - 8; Johann Georg 4

Diese sind umgezogen nach Wiesenmüller.

Besitze Informationen bis von 1766(?) bis 1858 für diese Familie.

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Пост N: 9
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 19.03.09 20:56. Заголовок: Das Dorf Wiesenmull..

Das Dorf Wiesenmuller wurde am 27. November 1857 von sieben Familien von der Mutter Kolonie Balzer.
Am 10. Dezember 1857 diese ersten Siedler kamen um 32 Familien aus den Dörfern Franzosen, Moor, und Grimm. 75 Familien aus Galka, Shcherbakovka, Stephan, Müller, Schwab, und Holstein kamen in Wiesenmuller am 23. Januar 1858.
27 Nov 1857
Mutter Kolonie Balzer - 7 Familien: 26 Männer 20 Frauen
Gesamtbevölkerung ab 27 Nov 1857: 46 Seelen
10 Dezember 1857
Mutter Kolonie Franzosen - 25 Familien: 100 Männer 90 Frauen
Mutter Kolonie Moor - 1 Familie: 2 männlich 5 Frauen
Mutter Kolonie Grimm - 6 Familien: 17 Männer 13 Frauen
Sub Totals: 32 119 108
Gesamtbevölkerung ab 10 Dezember 1857: 273 Seelen
23 Jan 1858
Mutter Kolonie Galka - 3 Familien: 12 Männer 4 Frauen
Mutter Kolonie Shcherbakovka - Familie 1: 4 Männer 4 Frauen
Mutter Kolonie Stephan - 27 Familien: 11 Männer 88 Frauen
Mutter Kolonie Muller - 37 Familien: 160 Männer 161 Frauen
Mutter Kolonie Schwab - 6 Familien: 25 Männer 27 Frauen
Mutter Kolonie Holstein - Familie 1: 1 männlich 0 Weibchen
Sub Totals: 75 Familien: 213 Männer 284 Frauen
Gesamtbevölkerung ab 23 Jan 1858: 770 Seelen


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Пост N: 6
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.05.09 08:16. Заголовок: Что сейчас из себя п..

Что сейчас из себя представляет Визенмиллер (Луговое). Большое это село или маленькое. Какие там имеются организации?

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Пост N: 1936
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.05.09 19:26. Заголовок: Вайлерт Я был в Виз..

Вайлерт Я был в Визенмиллер в 2000 году. Село ещё было достаточно большое. Немцев к тому времени там уже почти не осталось, почти все выехали в Германию. Была живая старая немецкая школа, которую местные жители называли не иначе как "шуле". Была целая улица, на которой было много старых деревянных немецких домов.

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Пост N: 625
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.05.09 20:41. Заголовок: http://www.memorial...

http://www.memorial.krsk.ru/Work/Konkurs/10/Korosteleva/0.htm - о семье Рерих из Визенмиллер

Документ N 33 от 1936 г. Контрреволюционные анекдоты бывшего редактора Визенмиллерской Политотдельской газеты Роот Иван

№ 33
НКВД т.Деноткину 31/VIII-36 г.

Перевод с немецкого

Контрреволюционные анекдоты бывшего редактора Визенмиллерской Политотдельской газеты Роот Иван

Во время посевной кампании 1933-34 г. меня Баумлер Вилли Георгиевич командировали в Визенмиллер в редакцию политотдельской газеты. Проработав 2 дня в Визенмиллер я зашел в кабинет Роот без разрешения. У Роот Ивана был Бах Генрих Францевич. В моем присутствии рассказывал Иван Роот следующее:
"На заседании политбюро обсуждали каким путем можно дешевле и радостнее проводить октябрьскую революцию.
Товарищу Орджоникидзе дали поручение со своими инженерами как можно поскорее выработать план октябрьских торжеств провести дешевле и радостнее, спустя несколько дней план такого проведения октябрьской революции был выработан.
В этом проекте инженеры предлагают, чтобы политбюро купил веревку для того чтобы Сталин повесился. Веревка дешевая, а радость будет передаваться по всему свету". Это слова Роот.
Полностью отвечаю: Вилли Баумлер Копия верна: Зальцборн перевод - Штумпф
Присутствующий Бах рассказывает дальше:
"На одном из курортов Крыма были несколько колхозников и служащих. Однажды пошли к морю купаться. Неизвестный человек тонул. Колхозник пришел ему на помощь и спас этого человека. После спасения спросил колхозник: "Кто Вы такой?" Этот до сих пор неизвестный человек отвечает: "Я сам Сталин".
Колхозник продолжает:
"Товарищ Сталин, Вы радуйтесь, что я Вас спас, только никому об этом не говорите, а то если узнают колхозники, то они меня убьют за то, что я Вас спас". Оба сжали друг другу руки и разошлись". Это слова Баха.

За полн. ответственность: Вилли Баумлер

Копия верна: Секретарь Зельмановского КК ВКП(б) Зальцборн

ЦДНИСО. 00 Ф. /.- Оп. 1. -Д. 2745. -Л. 39-40.


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Пост N: 7
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.05.09 16:55. Заголовок: Svetlaia. Спасибо за..

Svetlaia. Спасибо за подборку рассказов, особенно за сочинение внучки моих бывших соседей Рерих Валеры и Галины. Я родом из Балахты. В Балахтинском районе много проживает немцев (их потомков) из Визинмиллер.

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Пост N: 8
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.05.09 17:10. Заголовок: Spack Александр, ска..

Spack Александр, скажите, пожайлуйста, как добраться до с. Луговое, какого района данное село, как называется ж/д станция? Мы поедем из Красноярска.

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Пост N: 1949
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.05.09 17:23. Заголовок: Вайлерт Луговское н..

Вайлерт Луговское находится в Ровенском районе Саратовской области. Расположено прямо на границе с Волгоградской областью. Насколько мне помнится, из Энгельса в Луговское ходит или автобус, или маршрутка. Уверен, что и из райцентра, т.е. из Ровного, в село ходит маршрутка/автобус.

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Пост N: 728
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.10.09 15:41. Заголовок: Дети крещенные в 1913 в колонии Wisenmiller

Нашла такой список на Одноклассниках, опубликую здесь - может кому будет интересно (потом добавлю, это ни весь список):

Dec. 20, 1912 at 3 p.m. Jan. 13, 1913 Theresia, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Friedrich
> Hofmann
> & Anna nee Pinnecker. Baptized by provost Kostsiol in
> the church. Godparents: settlers Heinrich Pinnecker, Maria
> Pinnecker & Katharine Pinnecker.
> 2.
> Dec. 29, 1912 at 7 a.m. Jan 13, 1913 Natalie, Parents
> Lutheran settlers Friedrich
> Kindsvater & Maria nee Wiesner. Baptized by provost
> Kostsiol in the church. Godparents: settlers Friedrich
> Wiesner, Georg Heinrich Kindsvater & Maria Wiesner.
> 3.
> Jan. 1, 1913 in the morning, Jan. 13, 1913 Emanuel,
> Parents: Lutheran settlers Johann
> Jacob Schneider & Amalia nee Mueller. Baptized by
> provost Kostsiol in the church. Godparents: settlers Johann
> Georg Stabel, Katharine Elizabeth Stabel, Gottfried Winter.
Jan. 1, 1913 in the afternoon, Jan. 13, 1913 Emma Theresia,
> Parents: Lutheran settlers
> Peter Mueller & Elize Katharine nee Stuerz. Baptized by
> provost Kostsiol in the church. Godparents: settlers Peter
> Mutt, Adam Schneider, Maria Kindsvater.
> 5.
> Jan. 2, 1913 at 7 a.m.Jan. 13, 1913 Jacob,
> Parents: Lutheran settlers Johann Georg
> Kindsvater & Maria Katharine nee Gross. Baptized by
> provost Kostiol in the church. Godparents: Settlers, Johann
> Georg Hofmann, Johann Georg Spengler, Catherine Hofmann.
> 6.
> Jan. 6, 1913 at 10 a.m. Jan 13, 1913 Olinde,
> Parents: Lutheran settlers Johannes Maul
> & Maria nee Krumm. Baptized by provost Kostsiol in the
> church. Godparetns: settlers Jacob Winter, Maria Elizabeth
> Winter, Pauline Heckmann.
> Jan. 8, 1913 at 7 p.m. Jan 13, 1913 Jacob, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers from Prival'noye
> Michael
> Goebel & Maria Katharine nee Grenz. Baptized by provost
> Kostsiol in the church. Godparents: Settlers Johannes
> Heckmann, Theresia Heckmann, Heinrich Drott.
> 8.
> Jan. 9, 1913 at 11 p.m. Jan. 13, 1913 Minna, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Johannes
> Kindsvater & Susanne Katharine nee Bill. Baptized by
> provost Kostsiol in the church. Godparents: Settlers Georg
> Heinrich Hofmann, Frieda Hofmann, Katharine Kindsvater.
> 9.
> Jan. 7, 1913 at 2 a.m. Mar. 3, 1913 Alexander, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Friedrich Stabel
> & Katharine nee Jeckel. Baptized by pastor Blum in the
> church. Godparents: settlers Johannes Georg Jeckel, Maria
> Katharine Jeckel, Anna Katharine Jeckel.
Jan. 12, 1913 at 2 p.m. Mar. 3, 1913 Emilie, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Johann Georg
> Ebel
> & Elize Katharine nee Meier. Baptized by pastor Blum
> in the church. Godparents: Peter Kindsvater, Katharine
> Kindsvater, Jacob Frietzler.
> 11.
> Jan 13, 1913 at 9 p.m. Mar. 3, 1913 Amalie, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Georg Heinrich
> Schaefer & Katharine Elizabeth nee Stuckert. Baptized by
> pastor Blum in the church. Godparents: settlers Friedrich
> Stuckert, Elizab eth Katharine Stuckert, Maria Mutt.
> 12.
> Jan 16, 1913 at 11 p.m. Jan. 13, 1913 Heinrich, Parents
> Lutheran settlers Heinrich Just &
> Susanne Katharine nee Bill. Emergency baptism performed by
> midwife Schaefer in the parents' home. Godparents:
> settlers Friedrich Just, Maria Just Amalie Wambold.
> Jan. 16, 1913 at 10 a.m. Mar. 3, 1913 Nora, Sigrid,
> Konkordia, Parents: Lutheran settlers
> Johannes
> Hofmann & Olivia nee Kob. Baptized by pastor Blum in the
> church. Godparents: Georg Fischer, Maria Kob, Elizabeth
> Drott.
> 14a.
> Jan. 16, 1913 at 2 p.m. Mar. 3, 1913 Oskar, Elmar,
> Raimund, Parents: Lutheran settlers
> Johannes Hofmann & Olivia nee Kob. Baptized by pastor
> Blum in the church. Godparents: Alexei Novikov, Johanne
> Heckmann, Theresia Heckman.
> 15.
> Jan. 18, 1913 in the morning. Mar. 3, 1913 Minna, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Friedrich
> Buxmann # Katharine Elizabeth nee Weber. Baptized by pastgor
> Blum in the church. Godparents: settlers Friedrich Stuckert,
> Emilia Stuckert, Amalia Frietzler.
> Jan. 20, 1913 at 10 p.m. Mar. 3, 1913 Friedrich, Parents:
> Lutheran settlersJohann Georg
> Mohr
> & Katharine Elizabeth nee Held. Baptized by pastor Blum
> in the church. Godparents: settlers Alexander Drosch,
> Katharine Held, Maria Held.
> 17.
> Jan. 28, 1913 at 2 p.m. Mar. 3, 1913 Julius, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Georg Heinrich
> Dorsch & Maria Katharine nee Groeb. Baptized by pastor
> Blum in the church. Godparents: settlers Johannes Buxmann,
> Katharine Elizabeth Buxmann, Georg Jacob Held.
> Feb. 1, 1913 at 9 a.m. Mar. 3, 1913, Johannes, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Philipp
> Michael Schneider & Maria Katharine nee Scheck. Baptized
> by pastor Blum in the church. Godparents: settlers Alexander
> Ernst, Anna Elizabeth Ernst, Friedrich Schaefer.
> 19.
> Feb. 1, 1913 at 5 a.m. Mar. 3, 1913, Maria, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Jacob Schneider &
> Elizabeth nee Lichtewald. Baptized by pastor Blum in the
> church. Godparents: settlers Johann Georg Strecker, Anna
> Margaretha Strecker, Anna Elizabeth Drott.
> 20.
> Feb. 1, 1913 at 4 p.m. Mar. 3, 1913, Ottilie, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Gottfried Held &
> Anna Elizabeth nee Drosch. Baptized by pastor Blum in the
> church. Godparents: settlers Heinrich Mueller, Katharine
> Mueller, Pauline Winter.
> Feb 1, 1913 at 4 a.m. Mar. 3, 1913, Emma, Parents: Lutheran
> settlers Conrad Wambold
> &
> Elizabeth nee Schaefer. Baptized by pastor Blum in the
> church. Godparents: settlers Jacob Schaefer, Katharine
> Schaefer, Amalia Wambold.
> 22.
> Feb. 4, 1913 at 5 p.m. Mar. 3, 1913, Carl, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Heinrich Weber &
> Katharine Elizabeth nee Bill. Baptized by pastor Blum in
> the church. Godparents: settlers Friedrich Buxmann,
> Katherine Buxmann, Katharine Mohr.
> 23.
> Feb. 4, 1913 at 3 p.m. Mar. 3, 1913, Friedrich, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Georg Heinrich
> Balzer & Maria Christine nee Rauh. Baptized by pastor
> Blum in the church. Godparents: settlers Peter Buxmann,
> Amalia Buxmann, Heinrich Schwan.

> Feb. 8, 1913 at 4 p.m. Mar. 3, 1913, Victor, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Heinrich Winter &
> Amalia nee Hofmann. Baptized by pastor Blum in the church.
> Godparents: settlers Johannes Winter, Anna Katharine
> Frietzler, Katharine Stabel.
> 25.
> Feb. 14, 1913 at 5 a.m. Mar. 3 1913, Olinde, Parents:
> Lutheran German citizens Friedrich
> Fruehauf & Maria nee Welsch. Baptized by pastor Blum in
> the church. Godparents: Peter Schwan, Maria Katharine
> Schwan, Heinrich Kindsvater.
> 26a.
> Feb 16, 1913 at 3 p.m. Mar. 3, 1913, Julius, Mother:
> Lutheran settler, maiden Anna
> Elizabeth Kindsvater. Baptized by pastor Blum in the church.
> Godparents: settlers Friedrich Kindsvater, Maria Kindsvater
> & Heinrich Kindsvater.
> Feb. 16, 1913 at 4 p.m. Mar. 3, 1913, Lidia, Mother:
> Lutheran settler, maiden Anna
> Elizabeth Kindsvater. Emergency baptism performed by midwife
> Schaefer in the mother's hoiuse on Feb. 20, 1913.
> Godparents: Katharine Kindsvater, Alexander Kindsvater,
> Katharine Stabel.
> 28.
> Feb. 16, 1913 at 6 a.m. Mar. 3 1913, Amalie, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Johann Georg
> Schaefer & Louise nee Schmidt. Baptized by pastor Blum
> in the church. Godparents: settlers Jacob Winter, Maria
> Elizabeth Winter, Amalie Schaefer.
> 29.
> Feb. 18, 1913 at 5 p.m. Mar. 3, 1913, Johannes, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Heinrich
> Jeckel & Katharine Elizabeth nee Schwan. Baptized by
> pastor Blum in the church. Godparents: settlers Johannes
> Georg Treise, Katharine Treise, Pauline Winter.
> Feb. 20, 1913 at 11 p.m. Mar. 3, 1913, Friedrich, Parents
> Lutheran settlers Friedrich
> Buxmann & Charlotte nee Mutt. Baptized by pastor Blum in
> the church. Godparents: settlers Peter Buxmann, Amalie
> Buxmann, Philipp Drosch.
> 31.
> Feb. 23, 1913 at 3 a.m. Mar. 3, 1913, Christoph, Parents:
> Luthera settlers Christoph
> Balzer & Maria Katharine nee Koch. Baptized by pastor
> Blum in the church. Godparents: settlers Jacob Graeb,
> Katharine Graeb, Anna Margaretha Buxmann.
> 32.
> Feb. 23, 1913 at 7 p.m. Mar. 3, 1913, Maria, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Peter Graeb &
> Pauline nee Senft. Baptized by pastor Blum in the church.
> Godparents: settlers Jacob Jung, Maria Buxmann, Christian
> Stuerz.
> Feb. 24, 1913 at 11 a.m. Mar. 3, 1913, Emilie, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Johann Georg
> Adam Reiswig & Katharine nee Meier. Baptized by pastor
> Blum in the church. Godparents: settlers Friedrich Drosch,
> Maria Drosch, Maria Ebel.
> 34.
> Feb. 26, 1913 at 11 p.m. Mar 3, 1913, Friedrich, Parents:
> Friedrich Stuckert & Elizabeth
> nee Grenz. Baptized by pastor Blum in the church.
> Godparents: settlers Heinich Schaefer, Elvira Dell, Anna
> Elizabeth Stuckert.
> Mar. 6, 1913 at 1 p.m. Mar. 31, 1913, Emma, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Heinrich
> Mannweiler & Katharine Elizabeth Streich. Baptized by
> provost's helper R. A. Williherode in the church.
> Godparents: settlers Friedrich Koch, Maria Katharine Koch,
> Georg Heinrich Weber.
> 36.
> Mar. 6, 1913 at 7 a.m. Mar. 31, 1913, Friedrich, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Johann Georg
> Peter
> Stuckert & Katharine Elizabeth nee Buxmann. Baptized by
> provost's helper R. A. Williherode in the church.
> Godparents: settlers Friedrich Buxmann, Katharine Elizabeth
> Buxmann, Katharine Held.
> 37.
> Mar. 8, 1913 at 7 p.m. Mar 31, 1913, Friedrich, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Franz Reiswig
> & Maria Katharine nee Jung. Baptized by provost's
> helper R. A. Williherode in the church. Godparents: settlers
> Geog Heinrich Buxmann, Katharine Buxmann, Heinrich Weber.
> Mar. 14, 1913 at 1 p.m. Mar. 31, 1913, Emilie, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Johannes
> Mueller & Pauline nee Walter. Baptized by provost's
> helper R. A. Williherode in the church. Godparents: settlers
> Friedrich Kindsvater, Maria Kindsvater, Johannes Jung.
> 39.
> Mar. 18, 1913 at 8 p.m. Mar. 31, 1913, Maria, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Georg Heinrich
> Graeb & Amalie nee Stabel. Baptized by provost's
> helper R. A. Williherode in the church. Godparents: settlers
> Friedrich Ebel, Katharine Margaretha Ebel, Maria Vogel.
> 40.
> Mar. 26, 1913 at 3 a.m. Mar. 31, 1913, Katharine
> Margaretha, Parents: Lutheran settlers
> from Verkhnyaya Gryaznukha Johann Georg Schmidt &
> Katharine Margaretha nee Stahlmann. Baptized by
> provost's helper R. A. Williherode in the church.
> Godparents: settlers Friedrich Stahlmann, Maria Stahlmann,
> Maria Schmunk.
> Mar. 27, 1913 at 7 p.m. Mar. 31, 1913, Katharine, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Johann
> Heinrich Zieg & Anna Elizebeth Helfenbein. Baptized by
> provost's helper R. A. Williherode in the church.
> Godparents: settlers Heinrich Kindsvater, Katharine
> Kindsvater, Friedrich Ebel.
> 42.
> Mar. 28, 1913 at 5 a.m. Mar. 31, 1913, Georg Heinrich,
> Parents: Lutheran settlers Georg
> Heinrich Koch & Katharine Elizabeth nee Diel. Baptized
> by provost's helper R. A. Williherode in the church.
> Godparents: settlers Georg Leneschmidt, Anna Elizabeth
> Leneschmidt, Amalie Koch.
> 43.
> Mar. 4, 1913 at 1 a.m. Apr. 12, 1913, Emanuel, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers from Neu-Bauer
> Alexander Buegner & Christine Elizabeth nee Filbert.
> Baptized by provost Kostsiol in the church. Godparents:
> settlers Emanuel Pinnecker, Emilie Pinnecker, Maria
> Katharine Graeb.
> Mar. 16, 1913 at 2 p.m. Apr. 12, 1913, Constantine,
> Parents: Lutheran teacher Victor
> Gelhorn
> & Louise nee Wulf -- settler from Ekaterinental.
> Baptized by provost Kostsiol in the church. Godparents:
> settlers Feodor Wulf, August Maus, Albrecht Dell.
> 45.
> Mar. 25, 1913 at 4 a.m. Apr. 12, 1913, Heinrich, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Johann Georg
> Nuss
> & Susanna Elizabeth nee Witmann. Baptized by provost
> Kostsiol in the church. Godparents: settlers Heinrich Nuss,
> Friedrich Graeb, Anna Graeb.
> 46.
> Mar, 30, 1913 at 5 a.m. Apr. 12, 1913, Pauline, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Friedrich
> Baltzer & Amalie nee Schneider. Baptized by provost
> Kostsiol in the church. Godparents: settlers Johann Badt,
> Katharine Badt, Pauline Frietzler.
> Mar. 31, 1913 at noon. Apr. 12, 1913, Eduard, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Johannes
> Schwarzkopf & AnnaMargaretha nee Zwetzig. Baptized by
> provost Kostsiol in the church. Godparents: settlers
> Alexander Maul, Georg Heinrich Buxmann, Katharine Buxmann.
> 48.
> Mar. 31, 1913 at 2 a.m.Apr. 12, 1913, Maria, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Philipp Drott &
> Elizabeth nee Mueller. Baptized by provost Kostsiol in the
> church. Godparents: settlers Friedrich Drott, Maria Drott,
> Alexander Drott.
> Nov. 15, 1912 at3 a.m.May 12, 1913, Amalie,
> Parents:Lutheransettlers Jacob Weber &
> Amalia nee Kindsvater. Baptized by provost Kostsiol in the
> church. Godparents: settlers Johannes Kindsvater, Katharine
> Elizabeth Kindsvater, Maria Wiesner.
> 50.
> Mar. 26, 1913 at 8 a.m. May 12, 1913, Eleonora, Parents:
> Ltheran settlers from Golyi
> Karamysh Wilhelm Merkel & Amalie nee Haas. Baptized by
> provost Kostsiol in the church. Godparents: settlers
> Alexander Merkel, Georg Klein, Maria Klein, Lidia Haas,
> Alexander Haas.
> Mar. 29, 1913 at 2 a.m. May 12, 1913, August, Mother:
> Lutheran settler maiden Maria
> Jung. Baptized by provost Kostsiol in the church.
> Godparents: settlers Jacob Balzer, Katharine Just, Katharine
> Mueller.
> 52.
> Apr. 12, 1913 at 5 a.m. May 12, 1913, Johannes, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Johann Georg
> Hofmann & Charlotte nee Treiser. Baptized b provost
> Kostsiol in the church. Godparents: settlers Friedrich
> Kindsvater, Jacob Schaefer & Pauline Heckmann.
> 53.
> Apr. 14, 1913 at 11:30 p.m. May 12, 1913, Erna Theresia,
> Parents: Teacher David
> Schmunk & Maria Theresia nee Legler -- settler from N.
> Dobrinka. Baptized by provost Kostsiol in the church.
> Godparents: Teacher Alexander Drott, Pauline Goebel, Teacher
> Alexander, Katharine Mohr, Johann Georg Stuckert, Amalia
> Stuckert, Teacher Jacob Herdt, Pauline Herdt, Georg Heinrich
> Elsesser & Amalie Elsesser.
> Apr. 21, 1913 at 6 a.m. May 12, 1913, Victor, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Johann Georg
> Winter & Elizabeth nee Mueller. Baptized by provost
> Kostsiol in the church. Godparents: settlers Heinrich
> Michaelis, Johann Georg Mueller, Margaretha Mueller.
> 55.
> Apr. 24, 1913 at 10 a.m. May 12, 1913, Maria, Mother:
> Lutheran settler, maiden Elizabeth
> Jeckel. Baptized by provost Kostsiol in the church.
> Godparents: Heinrich Mueller, Ktharine Held, Katharine
> Elizabeth Mueller.
> 56.
> Apr. 24, 1913 at 7 a.m. May 12, 1913, Ferdinand, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Heinrich
> Buxmann & Katharine Elizabeth nee Wiesner. Baptized by
> provost Kostsiol in the church. Godparents: Friedrich Graeb,
> Katharine Graeb, Heinrich Wiesner.
> Apr. 24, 1913 at 7:30 a.m. May 12, 1913, Lev Emil, Parents:
> Teacher Alexander Mohr &
> Katharine nee Winter. Baptized by provost Kostsiol in the
> church. Godparents: Teacher David Schmunk, Theresia Schmunk,
> Friedrich Wiesner, Maria Katharine Wiesner, Heinrich Winter
> and his wife, Teacher Alexander Drott, Pavel Rau, Viktor
> Schuetz, Maria Elizabeth Hofmann, Elvira Dell, Pauline
> Winter.
> 58.
> Apr. 28, 1913 at 7 p.m. May 12, 1913, Alexander, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Johann
> Georg Wambold & Maria nee Mueller. Baptized by provost
> Kostsiol in the church. Godparents: settlers Jacob Mueller,
> Maria Mueller, Friedrichy Voos.
> Apr. 28, 1913; at 2 p.m. May 12, 1913, Emma, Parents:
> Lutheran settlersCarl Schneider
> & Maria Katharine nee Mueller nee Mueller. Baptized by
> provost Kostsiol in the church. Godparents: settlers
> Heinrich Kindsvater, Amalie Schneider, Maria Schneider.
> 60.
> May 2, 1913 at 11 p.m. May 12, 1913, Jacob, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Johann Heinrich
> Mannweiler & Katharine Elizabeth nee Nuss. Baptized by
> provost Kostsiol in the church. Godparents: settlers
> Friedrich Frietzler, Kathaine Frietzler, Friedrich Hofmann.
> 61.
> May 3, 1913 at 10 a.m. May 12, 1913, Friedrich, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Heinrich
> Kindsvater & Amalia nee Voos. Baptized by provost
> Kostsiol in the church. Godparents: settlers Carl Schneider,
> Maria Katharine Schneider, Georg Heinrich Weber.
> May 3, 1913 at 11 p.m. May 12, 1913, Amalie, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Johann Georg
> Hofmann & Anna Elizabeth nee Jung. Baptized by provost
> Kostsiol in the church. Godparents: settlers Johannes Georg
> Treise, Katharine Treise, Maria Mueller.
> 63.
> May 4, 1913 at 10 a.m. May 12, 1913, Johannes, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Johannes
> Zieg & Maria Katharine nee Kerbs. Baptized by provost
> Kostsiol in the church. Godparents: settlers Georg Heinrich
> Frietzler, Katharine Frietzler, Friedrich Ebel.
> 64.
> May 5, 1913 at 8 a.m. May 12, 1913, Pauline, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Georg Jacob
> Schaefer & Maria Katharine nee Schneider. Baptized by
> provost Kostsiol in the church. Godparents: settlers
> Friedrich Graeb, Katharine Graeb, Maria Drosch.
> May 7, 1913 at 6 a.m. May 12, 1913, Julius, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Johann Carl
> Schneider & Maria Katharine nee Usinger. Baptized by
> provost Kostsiol in the church. Godparents: settlers
> Friedrich Graeb, Katharine Graeb, Heinrich Frietzler.
> 66.
> May 8, 1913 at 8 a.m. May 12, 1913, Samuel, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Conrad
> Pinnecker & Anne Elizbeth nee Balzer. Baptized by
> provost Kostsiol in the church. Godparents: settlers
> Heinrich Schwan, Eva Elizabeth Schwan, Katharine Pinnecker.
> 67.
> May 8, 1913 at 9 p.m. May 12, 1913, Jacob, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Jacob Held &
> Amalie nee Kirchner. Baptized by provost Kostsiol in the
> church. Godparents: settlers Jacob Denner, Jacob Dorsch and
> Amalie Wambold.
> May 10, 1913 at 2 a.m. May 12, 1913, Johannes, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Friedrich
> Ebel & Margaretha nee Jeckel. Baptized by provost
> Kostsiol in the church. Godparents: settlers Johannes
> Buxmann, Katharine Elizabeth Buxmann and Marie Mutt.
> 69.
> May 12, 1913 at 2 a.m. -------------------- A girl, who
> died before she was baptized, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Johann Georg Stabel & Katherine
> Elizabeth nee Jung.
> 70.
> Nov. 3, 1912 at 2 a.m. Apr. 11, 1913, Erna, Parents:
> Lutheran
> Confirmed on settlers Peter Winter & Anna
> June 16, 1913 Katharine nee Schmidt.
> Emergency
> baptism performed by G. G. Buxmann in the parents'
> house. Godparents: settlers Gerg Jacob Schmidt, Julius
> Winter, Amalia Winter.
> Dec. 27, 1912at 4 p.m. June 16, 1913, Maria, Mother:
> maiden Katharine Elizabeth Simon,
> Lutheran settler. Baptized by provost's adjunct pastor
> Willigerode in the church. Godparents: settlersheinrich
> Just, Susanne Just, Maria Just.
> 72.
> Feb. 26, 1913 at 3 a.m. June 16, 1913, Amalie, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers from Osinovka,
> Heinrich Schulz & Katharine Elizabeth nee Ebel.
> Baptized by provost's adjunct pastor Willigerode in the
> church. Godparents: settlers Georg Jacob Schmidt, Friedrich
> Winter, Lidia Ziegler.
> 73.
> Apr. 6, 1913 at 10 a.m. June 16, 1913, Amalie, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Johann Georg
> Graeb & Amalia nee Buxmann. Baptized by provost's
> adjunct pastor Willigerode in the church. Godparents:
> settlers Alexander Graeb, Katharine Graeb, Carl Buxmann.
> May 23, 1913 at 10 a.m. June 16, 1913, Katharine, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Georg
> Heinrich Stuckert & Katharine Elizabeth nee Siegfried.
> Bapized by provost's adjunct pastor Willigerode in the
> church. Godparents Heinrich Grenz, Charlotte Grenz,
> Katharine Muth.
> 75.
> May 23, 1913 at 8 a.m. June 16, 1913, Alexander, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Johann
> GeorgHelfenbein & Anna Elizabeth nee Buxmann.
> Baptized by provost's adjunct pastor Willigerode in the
> church. Godparents: settlers Christian Weber, Pauline Weber,
> Friedrich Kindsvater.
> 76.
> May 24, 1913 at 10 p.m. June 16, 1913, Emilie, Parents:
> Johann Friedrich Badt & Maria
> Katharine nee Meier. Baptized by provost's adjunct
> pastor Willigerode in the church. Godparents: settlers
> Johann Georg Keil, Anna Katharine Keil, Friedrich Keil.
> May 27, 1913 at 12 o'clock. June 16, 1913, Johannes,
> Parents: Lutheran settlers Georg
> Adam Schaefer & Margaretha nee Roth. Baptized by
> provost's adjunct pastor Willigerode in the church.
> Godparents: settlers Conrad Wambold, Elizabeth Wambold,
> Amalie Muth.
> 78.
> May 30, 1913 at 8 p.m. June 16, 1913, Jacob, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Alexander Muth
> & Katharine Margaretha nee Kerbs. Baptized by
> provost's adjunct pastor Willigerode in the church.
> Godparents: settlers Georg Heinrich Kerbs, Katharine
> Elizabeth Kerbs, Amalie Kerbs.
> 79.
> May 31, 1913 at 4 a.m. June 16, 1913, Friedrich, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Friedrich
> Hofmann & Katharine Elizabeth nee Dieterle. Baptized by
> provost's adjunct pastor Willigerode in the church.
> Godparents: settlers Peter Kindsvater, Katharine Elizabeth
> Kindsvater, Amalie Hofmann.
> May 6, 1913 at 2. p.m. June 16, 1913, Alexander, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Johann
> Georg Mueller & Amalie nee Jeckel. Baptized by
> provost's adjunct pastor Willigerode in the church.
> Godparents: settlers Johann Georg Stuerz, Katharine Stuerz,
> Katharine Schwan.
> 81.
> June 3, 1913 at 3 a.m. June 16, 1913, Alexander, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Johannes
> Winter & Maria nee Muth. Baptized by provost's
> adjunct pastor Willigerode in the church. Godparents:
> settlers Georg Heinrich Winter, Christina Winter, Anna
> Katharine Muth.
> 82.
> June 4, 1913, at 1 a.m. June 16, 1913, Gustav, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers from
> Gnadentau, Alexander Ebel & Katharine Elizabeth nee
> Hofmann. Baptized by provost's adjunct pastor
> Willigerode in the church. Godparents: settlers Friedrich
> Frietzler, Katharine Frietzler, Johann Georg Hofmann.
> June 5, 1913 at 3 a.m. June 16, 1913, Robert, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Heinrich
> Wambold & Elizabeth nee Stuckert. Baptized by
> provost's helper R. A. Williherode in the church.
> Godparents: settlers Friedrich Kindsvater, Katharine
> Kindsvater, Amalie Wambold.
> 84.
> June 7, 1913 at 10 a.m. June 16, 1913, Elizabeth, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Johann
> Georg
> Jung & Katharine Elizabeth nee Nuss. Baptized by
> provost's helper R. A. Williherode in the church.
> Godparents: settlers Johannes Jung, Anna Maria Jung,
> Katharine Margaretha Nuss.
> 85
> June 8, 1913 at 8 a.m. June 16, 1913, Johann Georg,
> Parents: Lutheran settlers Jacob
> Graeb & Katharine Elizabeth nee Stabel. Baptized by
> provost's helper R. A. Williherode in the church.
> Godparents: settlers Heinrich Mannweiler, Katharine
> Mannweiler, Friedrich Graeb.
> June 10, 1913 at 1:25 a.m. July 28,1913, Lilli Eleonora,
> Parents: Lutheran teacher
> Alexander Doell & Maria Louise nee Sabelfeld, settler
> from Grechinaya Luka. Baptized by provost Kostsiol in the
> church. Godparents: settlers Emanuel Pinnecker with his wife
> Emilia nee Schmunk, Teacher Alexander Drott.
> June 13, 1913 at 9 a.m. Jul 28, 1913, Emma, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Heinrich Jung &
> Christine Elizabeth nee Bill. Batized by provost Kostsiol
> in the church. Godparents: settlers Johann Georg Keil, Maria
> Katharine Keil, Peter Meier.
> 88.
> June 17, 1913 at 5 a.m. Jul 28, 1913, Georg Heinrich,
> Parents: Lutheran settlers Georg
> Heinrich Stabel & Elizabeth nee Kindsvater. Baptized
> by provost Kostsiol in the church. Godparents: settlers Carl
> Buegner, Christina Buegner, Heinrich Roerich.
> 89.
> June 17, 1913 at 5 a.m. Jul 28, 1913, Katharine, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Jacob
> Schneider
> & Katharine Margaretha nee Lorenz. Emergency baptism
> performed by midwife Jung in the parents' house.
> Godparents: settlers Carl Mueller, Peter Mueller, Maria
> Schneider.
> June 20, 1913 at 4 p.m. Jul 28, 1913, Aurelie, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Heinrich Balzer &
> Katharine Elizabeth nee Schaefer. Baptized by provost
> Kostsiol in the church. Godparents: settlers Heinrich Graeb,
> Jacob Schaefer and Maria Graeb.
> 91.
> June 26, 1913 at 9 p.m. Jul 28, 1913, Emma, Parents:
> Lutheran settlersJohann Friedrich
> Rahmig & Katharine nee Schmidt. Baptized by provost
> Kostsiol in the church. Godparents: settlers Aleander
> Schneider, Maria Schmunk, Amalie Schmidt.
> 92.
> Jul 1, 1913 at 5 p.m. Jul 28, 1913, Friedich, Parents:
> Lutheran Teacher Heinrich
> Lichtewald & Katharine Elizabeth nee Wambold. Baptized
> by provost Kostsiol in the church. Godparents: settlers
> Heinrich Grenz, Charlotte Grenz, Amalia Wambold.
> Jul 1, 1913 at midnight, Jul 28, 1913, Alexander, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Heinrich
> Rahmig & Amalia nee Ebel. Baptized by provost Kostsiol
> in the church. Godparents: settlers Johann Georg Mueller,
> Katharine Margaretha Mueller, Reinhardt Graeb.
> 94.
> Jul 2, 1913 at 10 a.m. Jul 28, 1913, Maria, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Georg Heinrich
> Kerbs & Katharine Elizabeth nee Graeb. Baptized by
> provost Kostsiol in the church. Godparents: settlers
> Heinrich Schwan, Eva Elizabeth Schwan, Katharine Frietzler.
> 95.
> Jul 3, 1913 at 10 p.m. Jul 28, 1913, Friedrich, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Gottfried
> Huehnergardt & Charlotte nee Gamel. Baptized by provost
> Kostsiol in the church. Godparents: settlers Johann Gerg
> Spengler, Katharine Margaretha Spengler, Amalia Frietzler.
> Jul 8, 1913 at 4 a.m. Jul 28, 1913, Emma, Parents: Lutheran
> settlers Heinrich Schaefer &
> Katharine
> Elizabeth nee Koch. Baptized by provost Kostsiol in the
> churh. Godparents: settlers Friedrich Balzer, Amalia Balzer,
> Amalia Schaefer.
> 97.
> Jul 20, 1913 at 5 p.m. Jul 28, 1913, Emma, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Georg Heinrich
> Weber & Katharine Elizabeth nee Schira. Baptized by
> provost Kostsiol in the church. Godparents: settlers Jacob
> Dorsch, Anna Elizabeth nee Dorsch, FRiedrich Mohr.
> 98.
> Jul 24, 1913 at 2 a.m. Jul 28, 1913, Friedrich, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Heinrich Muth &
> Maria nee Winter. Baptized by provost Kostsiol in the
> church. Godparents: settlers Alexander Muth, Friedrich
> Wiesner, Maria Katharine Wiesner.
> Jul 26, 1913 at 4 a.m. Jul 28, 1913,Jacob, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Johann Georg
> Stuckert & Anna Margaretha nee Buxmann. Baptzed by
> provost Kostsiol in the church. Godparents: settlers
> Heinrich Grenz, Charlotte Grenz, Georg Jacob Held.
> 100.
> Jul 27, 1913 at 3 p.m. Jul 28, 1913, Heinrich, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Peter Lichtewald
> & Susanna nee Schwarzkopf. Baptized by provost Kostsiol
> in the church. Godparents: settlers Friedrich Mueller,
> Katharine Elizabeth Eckel, Friedrich Koch.
> 101.
> Feb. 28 1913 at 4 a.m. Sep 1, 1913, Jacob, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Johann Peter
> Schwan
> & Maria Katharin nee Hinter. Baptized by provost's
> adjunct pastor Willigerode in the church. Godparents: Johann
> Jacob Kern, Katharine Maria Kern, Johannes Buxmann.
> Jul 30, 1913 at 5 a.m. Sep 1, 1913, Friedrich, Parents:
> Lutheral settlers Adam Grenz &
> Maria Katharine nee Voos. Baptized by provost's
> adjunct pastor Willigerode in the church. Godparents:
> settlers Johann Georg Voos, Maria Katharina Voos, Alexander
> Graeb.
> Jul 31, 1913 at 3 a.m. Sep. 1, 1913, Jacob, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Jacob Wambold &
> Anna
> Elizabeth nee Lorenz. Baptized by provost's adjunct
> pastor Willigerode in the church. Godparents: settlers
> Friedrich Mueller, Maria Katharine Mueller, Friedrich
> Schneider.
> 104.
> Jul 31, 1913 at 3 a.m. Sep. 1, 1913, Katharine Elizabeth:
> Parents: Lutheran settlers Karl
> Graeb & Maria nee Schwan. Baptized by provost's
> adjunct pastor Willigerode in the church. Godparents:
> settlers Johann Georg Graeb, Amalia Graeb, Friedrich
> Kindsvater.
> 105.
> Aug. 3, 1913 at 11 p.m. Sep. 1, 1913, Alexander, Parents:
> Lutheran settlers Jacob Graeb
> & Maria Katharine nee Becker. Baptized by provost's
> adjunct pastor Willigerode in the church. Godparents:
> settles Friedrich Vogel, Maria Vogel, Heinrich Schaefer.

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Пост N: 218
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.10.09 19:22. Заголовок: Swetlaja, эти списк..


эти списки со страницы по Визенмюллер, там не только о крещении,
но и о смерти и браке есть но за другие года:


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Пост N: 729
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.10.09 20:00. Заголовок: Elsa Спасибо за с..


Спасибо за ссылку! Кому интересно - там и посмотрят!

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Не зарегистрирован
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.12.09 11:04. Заголовок: Вайлерт , если что и..

Вайлерт , если что интересно о Луговом, спрашивайте. Я оттуда и немало знаю о селе и о людях.

Спасибо: 0 

Пост N: 21
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.12.09 14:06. Заголовок: mashka Меня интере..


Меня интересует фамилия Витман. Жила ли такая фамилия в Визенмилер?

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Пост N: 15
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.12.09 16:16. Заголовок: mashka! Меня интерес..

Меня интересует фамилия Кункель,если знакома Вам эта семья напишите мне о ней.

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Не зарегистрирован
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.01.10 14:27. Заголовок: Гейнрих К сожален..


К сожалению, такой фамилии не знаю....даже не слышала.

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постоянный участник

Пост N: 131
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.01.10 15:05. Заголовок: mashka Известно пи ..

Известно пи Вам что-нибудь про фамилию Вамбольт.

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Пост N: 1
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 08.01.10 19:11. Заголовок: Johannes Нет, к со..


Нет, к сожалению такой семьи тоже не знаю.

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Пост N: 88
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 09.01.10 09:36. Заголовок: mashka Добрый день,..

Добрый день, мне известно,что семья Шекк проживала в Визенмюллере от первопоселенцев до 1941.Может быть у Вас есть контакт с этой семьёй.

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